
My research engages with visual, participatory, and ethnographic methods and is influenced by migration/border studies, urban geography/studies, postcolonial feminism, intersectionality, labour geographies, critical-race theory, and a concern for social justice. 

I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow based at the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, where I am completing an ESRC funded project, titled: ‘Shelters as Spaces of Care and Violence: The everyday experiences of detained and deported migrant domestic workers in Southeast Asia'.

Primarily, this project focuses on the afterlife of forced migration in urban Southeast Asia. I draw on the experiences of women who were living in shelters in Singapore, and the intersecting carceral and migratory regimes within this region. I am also conducting a project funded by the John Fell Fund, trialling innovative photo-journaling and online interviewing methods to understand the everyday lives of women who have been forcibly removed from Singapore.

I completed a PhD in Human Geography and Urban Studies at the LSE, which utilised ethnographic and arts-based research methods. My thesis (which is titled: ‘Anatomies and apparatuses of violence: the everyday encounters of migrant domestic workers in Singapore’) focused on the experiences of domestic workers residing in shelters when they were no longer willing/able to live-with/work-for their employers, often following experiences of verbal, emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse. 

Prior to this, I completed an MSc (Building and Urban Design in Development) at UCL, where I completed field research in London, Italy (Brescia), and Cambodia (Phnom Penh and Battambang), developing skills in participatory mapping, and using art (drawing, photography, sculpture, and videography) as both method, and output. 

I was a founding member of the not-for-profit design studio CatalyticAction, which centres participatory approaches to design interventions in the built environment, primarily in camps and urban spaces in Lebanon.